The time has come to … dive into the ARTALBERTO.IT website
As from October 1, 2019: ENGLISH pages open with this memorable picture. I imagine that you too have important memories of your life: For me, the yellow fins that you see in this picture certainly are.
I still have them, I used them yesterday in the cold La Maddalena waters. In this picture, taken in August 2004 by Evert (while he was on his own testing some Nitrox mix in order to remain as long as possible quite deep to photograph the Irian Jaya sea) I thought I could swim down to surprise him. But Evert was not one to be surprised: instead, he spotted me before I reached him and chose the best way to frame me, with the sun perfectly centered between my yellow fins and Sally looking down from the right hand corner, a bit worried also by seeing a big barracuda swimming into the frame, to have his picture taken...
This is what being a great photographer really means.